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Tag Archives: Collaborative divorce

Traveling Internationally with your Children After Divorce

Tips for Traveling Internationally with your Children After Divorce

By Boudreaux Hunter & Associates, LLC |

Flight tickets? Check! Suitcase? Check! How about the child’s travel consent form? Did you provide notice to the other parent? Do you have the child’s passport? Traveling internationally with children after a divorce requires a few extra steps and considerations. In Texas, there is language that can be included in your Final Decree of… Read More »

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What Is the Divorce Process in Texas? An Overview

By Boudreaux Hunter & Associates, LLC |

Divorce is not easy on the individual or the family going through it. It can be emotionally exhausting, financially draining and turn the involved parties’ lives upside down for months or years at a time. If you’re getting a divorce in Texas, you can have peace of mind if you know what the process… Read More »

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Putting children first in divorce

How to Put Children First During Divorce

By Boudreaux Hunter & Associates, LLC |

Avoid the drama.
Prevent the trauma.
Divorce is not an easy process for anyone involved, especially children. Life will never be the same for your children, no matter how hard you try. Even when you do your best to keep things as “normal” as possible, your little ones are almost always the silent victims of your divorce. So, when divorce is inevitable, how do you put your children’s best interests first?

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Amicable Divorce

Breaking-Up Together

By Boudreaux Hunter & Associates, LLC |

Divorce generally invokes uncomfortable feelings of betrayal, failure, loss, bitterness, anger, and revenge. There is no doubt, the adversarial tactics most frequently associated with divorce have given divorce its rightfully earned reputation of being negative, traumatic, life-altering, even debilitating. for some. But it does not have to be.

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